Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Workout Wednesday.... And I'm Back!! Hopefully, for Good

Hey y'all!! Crazy, I know, I’M BACK ON THIS THING, but I figured if I want to 
get serious about this, the time is now!!

So, just to update you on my life reeeeaaaaally quickly, I have moved out 
of my parents' house & am currently living in my own apartment!! Yay!! I'm 
not sure if/when I will start posting YouTube videos, but we will see. Those, 
honestly might not start for another month or two, just depending on how 
crazy my schedule is going to be.

I am now living in Lubbock, Texas and excited to start this upcoming fall 
semester as a Red Raider at Texas Tech University! It's gonna be bomb, 
guys, seriously. Can't wait :)

Onto today's topic!!

I suppose you can say the resurgence of this blog is a direct result of 
starting to get into a better routine, now that I am living on my own. I 
moved here August 4th so I haven't even really been here a week, buuut, 
I've got to start getting into better shape to be healthy and pretty much 
just stop lazing around. I gave myself some time, but now it's time to get 

Today, I completed the ToneItUp workout of the 5 daily moves, 40 min of 
cardio (broken down into 10 minute increments on the elliptical machine) 
& Bikini Buns & Thighs Routine!

I'm pretty proud of myself as I woke up early to get this all done before I 
ate breakfast. I will say, working out & doing videos in the community gym 
is odd because when people come in, they just stare. I brought my yoga 
mat and the day before, I had headed to the print station at the 
community center (I know, so convenient for an apartment complex) & 
printed out the main workout. I wrote down the daily moves and "40 min 
cardio" on the sheet.

As I am currently pretty out of shape, I will not lie, I did the 5 daily moves 
first, then the workout, and then the cardio (which again, I broke into 
segments. I did 10 min because I knew I could do that from going on the 
elliptical yesterday).

As I had completely the TIU workout for yesterday as well, I was a little 
sore from yesterday so it was a struggle. Plus, just having not worked out 
in a while, it was hard to get everything done without keeling over and 
dying, haha. School starts in about 3 weeks, so I want to already have my 
routine established so that way, it's not too hard to stray from it!!

As for food, well, you'll have my week's load of meals on…well, we shall 
see. But, I'll tell you what I have to eat:

  • Grainy, whole wheat bread for sandwiches
  • The cinammon raisin swirl bread
  • Some pre-packaged chocolate chip muffins
  • A loaf of french bread (so much bread… it's so bad)
  • Smartfood Popcorn
  • Dried mango
  • Crunchy, generic peanut butter
  • Grape jelly
  • Garlic & herb chicken sliced from the deli
  • Smoked sharp cheddar also sliced from the deli
  • 1/2 avocado
  • 1 tomato sliced
  • 1 lemon
  • Cauliflower, for cauliflower rice
  • 1 box of stuff to make spaghetti
  • 2 things of ramen
  • 1 box of frosted mini-wheats
  • A container for water
  • Almond milk

And I think that's it… I had more stuff, but I've already eaten it. I know, 
I know, still not supremely awesome but money is tight around here as I'm 
in college and on my own for the first time!! Hopefully, I can get a 
bartending job soon or something else soon so that way I can get some 
better groceries.

As always, if you have any comments, questions, concerns, just want to
talk, pleasepleaseplease comment below or contact me at any of my 
social medias! I'll update them so that way all links are active. To be 
totally honest though, I'm much more likely to answer anything on 
Snapchat so just lemme know!! Love y'all!! XOXO

Until next time!


"The only reason to look backwards is to see how far you have gone forward."
- a quote Katrina Dawn, a founder of ToneItUp had seen and mentioned in a video