Friday, June 12, 2015

Harry Potter Will See You Now

Hey y'all!

So for today's Feature Friday, this is going to be about a Netflix series. To be honest, if you do not have Netflix already, you should get it. Depending on how many screens you use, it is extremely affordable and so useful to have to catch up on shows or even start new ones! You can also just re-watch shows that have ended like Friends and Parks and Recreation

I have debated on whether or not I should also subscribe to Hulu Plus, but so far, I haven't done any extensive research on any shows that they have to see what's inherently different from Netflix. Do any of you have Hulu Plus? Please do tell me what that's like, so I can make a decision.

The title of my post throws you off, huh... Well, the series I watched is called A Young Doctor's Notebook & Other Stories. It is a BBC production, (British Broadcasting Corporation, for those of you unfamiliar with it, which you should all know Sherlock... All of you. Either that or Downtown Abbey so you're golden on both accounts if you've seen them) & it stars Jon Hamm and Daniel Radcliffe. 

Now, Netflix only has one season, which is so disappointing, as there are in fact two seasons. Of course, I thought as much or at least wondered when the second season was going to be put on Netflix because that last episode was SUCH a cliffhanger. I have so many questions! I need answers.

But back to Daniel Radcliffe.

I will not even lie. I saw Dan Rad as one of the actors in this and I immediately added it to My List on Netflix and then went back later to watch it after scrolling through to find something to watch. There are only 4 episodes in the first season and they're maybe 20, 22 minutes long. 

Obviously, I watched 3 in the course of almost 1 1/2 hours and by then, it was really late and I had to get some sleep. I then woke up, had breakfast, and went back to my room to watch the last episode which brings me to here as I am typing up this blog post.

Dan is just so blessedly talented as an actor, being able to do quite a few different roles as needed. It's just that he's so Dan when he does them. I was cracking up quite a lot during this show because of him and it's supposed to be a dark comedy... I regret nothing. Thankfully, parts still are comedic and so you can actually laugh. I will say that it is indeed mature and I am making this as big as possible because I am trying to warn younger audiences. 

There is a lot of blood and gore and adult situations so it is not for the faint of heart. It's quite funny as in real life, I can't watch anything like Texas Chain Saw Massacre and even though my career will be in the medical field, I changed my area to have only bones (a.k.a. Forensic Anthropology) because I can't handle dead bodies or blood. This show wasn't too, too bad but I did squick a little.

I still really liked this show and thought it was absolutely fascinating. It completely hooked me in once I found out it was a period-drama of sorts. It is based in Moscow and Muryovo (pronounced Muhr-ee-ey-va) in 1934 and 1917, respectively. Jon Hamm and Dan Rad play the doctor as the man is older and younger. I'm sure you can guess who plays which age. 

A funny part was when Dan arrived at the hospital for the first time in Muryovo, the three workers; a nurse, a midwife, and a field doctor, turned doctor's assistant, thought he was a patient because he didn't look old enough to be a doctor. He tried growing a beard after that. It wasn't too pretty, haha. Poor Dan.

I also liked how they properly pronounced all of the Russian cities and other things, like names. I have never been to Russia, nor do I fluently know and speak Russian, but I prefer to pronounce words in other languages, exactly how they are supposed to be pronounced, not necessarily how they are spelled to the best of my ability. 

This is also during the time of the Russian Civil War, but so far, there has been no spread to the small hospital, only the knowledge of it happening. I hope that there is more about it in season two but I'm sure there will be. That Civil War affected everybody in Russia, no matter how removed you were.

Another fact that really lured me in is that it was based off of A Young Doctor's Notebook by Mikhail Bulgakov. I love true stories illustrated in the movies or a t.v. show. Of course, usually I prefer the book as it has way more information but to see your characters brought to life... Definitely a plus. That being said, I am now on the hunt for this book as I want to see the similarities and differences between the show and literature.

Pretty much, if you're looking for a doctor show that has a doctor struggling with beginning morphine addiction as well as hallucinations, his very first patients and surgeries from just graduating, dark comedy (and I mean dark), a bit of blood and gore (operations that don't go quite so well), adult situations and Dan Rad just being Dan Rad, then this is a great show to watch. I sincerely hope that either Netflix puts up the second season soon or I can find it on the BBC website or something because I absolutely have to know how everything ends.

Do y'all have any suggestions of what to watch? I am always in the mood for just about anything, except for horror, so let me know in the comments below.


"I scored 13 fives!" "Stop saying that, it means nothing out here. And I scored 15"
-Dan Rad and another young doctor

Thursday, May 21, 2015

L'Oreal Infallible Pro-Matte Foundation

Hey y'all!

Greetings and salutations! Today, of course, is Try-It Thursday and it's going to be all about the new foundation I was given to try. As y'all know, I am apart of the wonderful Seventeen Social Club for the whole year of 2015 and as such, I am sent different products and things to try out and then give my opinion on. It definitely makes me feel important, haha.

Thanks to Seventeen Magazine and L'Oreal Paris, I was able to try out the Infallible Pro-Matte Foundation in the shade Shell Beige. I will say that I have never bought drug-store make-up before but I was still up for trying this out as I'm not one to back down from a challenge. I was a little worried that the color wasn't the right one for my skin tone since I wasn't able to try it out.The color I picked I thought matched me really well! I'm really glad about that.

I've only used Clinique foundation before as it's what my mom uses and we both have pretty sensitive skin. I was soooo happy that the switch of foundation didn't cause me to break out at all. That was definitely a plus. When I first applied it, I was definitely amazed at how dry the foundation became. And I don't mean that in a bad way! Also, less is definitely more as I didn't have to use a lot and sometimes I would squirt out too much and just have to layer it on.

I would apply the foundation with my fingers as my beauty blender is currently misplaced and will need to be deep-cleaned when found again (or, honestly, I'll probably just buy a new one) so fingers for application it was! I normally noticed with my Clinique foundation that there was a bit of streak from using my fingers but it was almost an airbrushed look with the L'Oreal Paris foundation! I was really thrown for a loop from that because I was not expecting it at all. It's a great feature of the foundation, for sure.

It gives pretty good coverage too. I had a bit of spots still showing through but for the most part, it did it's job. I'm not sure if I'm super oily or if it's from my skincare routine, but it didn't stay matte for me for too long. It wasn't bad enough that I needed to blot but I had a bit of shine after a few hours. All-in-all, a great product to try out and use on the daily. I didn't think it clogged my pores or anything like that.

I may or may not purchase it again (I don't need foundation for a while after this, haha) but it is definitely staying on my radar after this. Thank you again, Seventeen and L'Oreal Paris for letting me try this out!! I'll emjoy it until it's empty.

What drug-store foundation is your favorite? Let me know in the comments below!


"OMG!!! this is the best foundation at the drugstore and is better than alot of high end foundations! This is a medium to full coverage foundation that last all day and keeps you matte without looking flat! It last all day and by the end of the day almost looks like when you put it on. I have combo skin and works like a charm for me! Thank you Makeup Gods for this foundation!!!"
- A 5-star review by makeuplover23 from the L'Oreal Paris website 

Monday, May 4, 2015

Avengers, Assemble!

Hey y'all!

Okies, so you should deeeefinitely know by now that I am utterly OBSESSED with Captain America and by association, the Avengers, obviously. Soooo, I TOTALLY went to see Avengers 2 on the friday it officially premiered. In fact, I was so excited about going that I waited for over 3 hours in the theater so that way I would get a good seat.


I was one of those people.

Funny story, I was actually approached by the security guard and asked what movie I was waiting for. I told him what movie and what time and he just kinda looked at his watch and said, "You're kinda early, aren't ya?" and I just said, "Oh, I'm not missing this."

If you saw me, I was the girl with a Captain America Build-a-Bear and a plush of Cap along with a Cap t-shirt and Cap headphones as I was reading BZRK by Michael Grant and just waiting on the side by the ticket booth thing. I'm sure I got plenty of weird looks but other movie-goers, but I was listening to music and reading. I was pretty okay with life at the moment.

Now, why did I bring stuffed animals? To save seats, of course. Why else would I? (Okay, seriously though, I love taking stuffed animals or plushies to their own movies. I did that with my little Bilbo for Desolation of Smaug) So no, I don't feel weird about having them with me. Even though I am 21 years old. Oh. Well. This is my life and I really wouldn't trade it.

Moving on, THE MOVIE.




I absolutely loved every second of it. I need to go watch it over and over. My mind is blown at this whole movie. Like, I couldn't even speak after it and I was so confused at the timeline afterwards and I had questions and just-UGH.

It was so wonderful.

You all should have seen it. I am now ordering you to go watch it instead of reading this blog post. Go. Forth. This is pretty vital to everything in your life. I was so happy with Cap, and Tony and pretty much all the characters were on point for me.

I will say.... I was suitably impressed with the Scarlet Witch. I did not think I would be so affected. I'm practically in love with Wanda now. She is now my #3 after Cap and Matt Murdock which that spot previously was not even taken considering I didn't know I needed someone else besides Cap.

Apparently, I do.

So, the Maximoff twins were epic in my opinion. I love them both. I'm so happy that Wakanda was brought in cause that means Black Panther is coming soon!!! Eek, I'm so excited for the new Marvel movies coming up. They're going to be killerrrrrrr, ah, I hope they're amazing.


I am pretty sure that Pietro is coming back. I mean one, he plays some pretty big roles in the comics plus this is Joss Whedon. Phil Coulson anyone? Okay, done. I just had to get my opinion out there.


Continuing with new additions to the roster, I was SO happy that Falcon was apart of the team in this movie!!! I've loved watching Disney XD's Marvel's Avengers Assemble and in the T.V. show, Falcon is just so precious! So I was stoked that he was in the 2nd Cap movie and this one.

As for new supers... Well, I think Vision was brought in excellently. I'm glad Paul Bettany finally has a "body" but I'm kind of sad that Vision isn't really JARVIS. I think that would have been awesome. I completely understand, but still. JARVIS has been there for Tony in ways similar to how Edwin Jarvis cares for Tony in the comics so I would have loved for JARVIS to have a physical manifestation.

Okies, now I have to talk about Black Widow and the Hulk. Holy crackers, that is a ship that I am willing to go down with. I have definitely heard of it before and I think it is a really good pairing!! I can't wait to see how Nat kicks his butt in the third movie for pulling that stunt. I did think that was really hurtful of him to do even though he thinks that he is being a good person and keeping her safe by not staying with her. But for Nat to have opened up like that? He kind of just threw her feelings back in her face. Not cool, Brucey-bear. Not cool.

And this post is getting really long, so we'll just end this with this:

HAHAHA, I thought this was one of the best parts of the movie. I laughed so hard. Poor Thor.

There definitely were some other memorable moments, such as the fight between Iron Man and Hulk, Ultron, the whole thing about Clint's people (which I'll tell ya, that came out of left field for sure), and then Fury made his comeback to the team.

Buuuuut, if I take the time to talk about that, this post will be ridiculously long. So, I am going to end it here.

What did you guys think of the movie?! Please lemme know in the comments below cause i am game to just gab about this movie for a superduper long time!!


"Whosoever holds this hammer, if he be worthy, shall possess the power of Thor."
-The inscription on Mjolnir, Thor's hammer 

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Do You Wanna Build a Snowman?

Hey y'all!

Welcome to the first Style Saturday for the month of May! Today, I had a kids' birthday party to attend for a co-worker's daughter. I love my co-worker and her kids are the cutest things. Her only daughter, the middle child had her party today and it was Frozen-themed, as most young girls are wanting nowadays. That movie was way more successful than Disney anticipated, I swear.

I definitely did not wear what I'm putting together but I absolutely love this idea for a Frozen-themed event! Considering I am 21 years old now, I can't look too much like a child anymore, which is kinda sad considering my wardrobe is pretty much t-shirts and comfy clothes, a.k.a. gym clothes. I'm always on the hunt for "professional" clothes so if you see any, leave a link down below! I'd love suggestions.

Here is the outift I came up with:

Frozen Party

I know, it's pretty heavily Elsa-themed, but when I finally saw Frozen for the first time, I called my little sister and told her, "Oh, you weren't kidding. We really are Elsa and Anna." And I am not joking. We didn't have a horrible relationship when we were little but we definitely were distant when we were younger. Now, we're actually really close and it's a lot better than it used to be.

So as I'm Elsa, I figured this is something that I would wear. The tennis are because while I need to be fashionable, good grief, I am going to a child's birthday party. There is no way on this green earth that I am going to wear wedges or high heels or anything of that sort. That's crazy. I'm a pretty minimal person on accessories anyways so that is why the makeup is so eye-heavy. That's honestly all I would do, though.

I wouldn't worry about bracelets or lip color or blush stuff. If I can get away with practically nothing, I totally will. I really need to start putting more effort... Eh, that makeup is pretty heavy for a kids' party anyways, Leaving it by itself is perfect, I think.

Are you obsessed with Frozen? Have an opinion on my chosen outfit? Don't hesitate to leave any comments below!! I'd love to discuss and talk with you.


"Oh look at that. I've been impaled."
-Olaf the Snowman, from the movie Frozen. Absolutely looooved this line, haha 

Friday, May 1, 2015

Daredevil, the Netflix Series

Hey y'all!!

So, I am incredibly, incredibly, INCREDIBLY sorry about my two-month absence?! What?!? Soooo crazy!!! Life has been insaaaane but no worries!! I am here to stay!! To start of the wonderful month of Mayyyy, welcome to Fanatic Friday! I know, I know, I keep changing the days... Hopefully, this month will "establish" what is going to be on this blog everyday, haha. Fanatic Friday will be all about T.V. shows and just anything that I'm a "fanatic" about, really.

Today, I'd like to introduce you to either my future husband (Captain America is definitely first but ohhhh, this guy is such a close second) or just general best friend/eternal crush, Matt Murdock. He is a blind lawyer who graduated from Columbia Law and is working with his best friend, "Foggy" Nelson on building a clientele base and also a vigilante at night in New York City.

Hooked yet? You totally should be.

This is the main character for the Netflix Series titled Daredevil, which is about the iconic Marvel superhero. I was sooooo glad I had a Netflix account once I heard about this. You should already know this but I actually am such a Marvel geek, it's not funny. In fact, it's a real problem of mine. Maybe there are some of you out there? I'd love not to be alone... Pretty much anything Captain America or even vaguely Marvel-associated, I impulsively buy to have. I said, it's a pretty big problem.

Anyways, back to the show.


Daredevil is so crazy different than anything out there on T.V. right now (and if you know something even vaguely similar to this show, dear Lord above, comment below with the name and I will probably immediately go to check it out. Not gonna lie) and I love it. There's so much going and so many different players that it's so much fun to watch and keep up with! I asked my dad for clarification but he said that the show wasn't too much different than the comics.

This is the part where I invite hardcore Daredevil fans to comment and incite conversation and polite opinions about what you think is true. Whether or not the T.V. show is close to the comics. Please, no fandom fights. Those get pretty messy.

Basically, every episode there are these craaazy action scenes and oh, Matt is so wonderfully amazing that I care not a wit about his blindness, the fact that he's practically poor, and, just-ugh.... He's so fabulous. I love that kid. He cracks me up with his humor and just the way that his morals are set up. It's definitely refreshing to see as I've always thought of Daredevil as the quiet kind of superhero.

The closest comparison that I can think of is Batman. Nobody knows Batman's identity (except for Alfred. Good ol' Alfred) and he just kinda shows up where needed. On that note, Matt gets information from the people he fights to go be at the places where he's needed.

Like Batman, he was trained by someone on how to fight. In this case, Matt was trained by an older blind guy who goes by the name of "Stick" and it was so adorable to see kid!Matt being taught how to fight even though he was blind.

I think that where they showed kid!Matt were some of my favorite scenes, to be honest. I felt that I really got a sense of where Matt is coming from and why he is the way he is today. I won't spoil anything (at least, I'll try not to spoil anymore, sorry) about his backstory but I thought it was so inspiring and it just made me want to scoop kid!Matt and squeeze him to death. 

This is getting to be a pretty long post and I'm not really sure how Batman got into this so I'm gonna end it on this note. If you haven't seen it, you've really got to get a move on. And if you don't have a Netflix account, there is a 30-day free trial and this show is worth it. There is supposed to be a season 2 coming out in 2016 so if you want to wait for the second season to use the 30-day trial, do it. Just be sure you ive yourself enough time to watch all 13 episodes of the first season first.

Pretty, pretty please, if you have any suggestions of T.V. shows to watch, I am not picky. I love rotting my mind with random T.V. shows in my free time. Leave any suggestions in the comments below!


"With tight adherence to its source material's history, high production quality, and a no-nonsense dramatic flair, Daredevil excels as an effective superhero origin story, a gritty procedural, and an exciting action adventure."
-Review from Rotten Tomatoes 

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Being a Ski Bum

Hey y'all!

I am so sorry that it has been so long since I have last posted anything but unfortunately, I have just been so crazy busy with school, work, basically all of my past excuses at once. No longer! I refuse not to post and inform the world of my thoughts!

Haha, but seriously, here I was thinking I was going to have nothing for today's post and then Snapchat happened. Don't you just love Snapchat? (I do. I love it a bunch)

So here we go! Today's topic: snow sports. I may just stick with skiing or snowboarding... Actually, I'll just do those two.

As I have no personal experience with either, please bear with me for I was lazy and didn't even bother to research these. I am literally just going based off of my Snapchat Story, the skiing one. Speaking of, is there an actual name for all of those Snaps and videos that Snapchat gets from a bunch of people? Or is it just Snapchat's story?

Moving on, skiing. As far as I know, skiing is actually pretty freakin' athletic and leaves you sore. It certainly explains why there was video of people in hot tubs just hanging out or with the caption "after a ski bum day." Is that a thing? People who ski are called ski bums?

People who know these things, please let me know. I'm genuinely curious. I wanna be a ski bum. It seems like so much fun.


On this, I actually have a bit more knowledge as my sister absolutely loves watching Shaun White when he's in the Winter Olympics. It was such a shame that he wasn't able to nail that trick this past Olympics because he totally deserved that gold medal. He's an amazing snowboarder and I love watching him compete. (My sister and I are pretty big supporters of the Olympics in general. We LOVE watching the Olympics)

Of course, I know that this sport takes a lor outta you physically as well, so i suppose that the hot tubs are used by people who do one or both sports? One day, I shall experience this for myself. I will find out then. Then, my curiosity will be satisfied.

The two main places that were featured in... let's just call it Snapchat's story were Beaver Creek, Colorado and somewhere in Utah. I've forgotten where. I have known that these places were good places for this sort of activity as my dad has always wanted to go skiing in Colorado. Hopefully, he'll get to do so one day.

I... Yeah, this is all the knowledge I can contribute. What do y'all think about this? Know more than me? Good grief, please comment and contribute to my knowledge. I beg of you. That would be most helpful.

"I'll just become a ski bum"
-Someone on Snapchat 

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Loss Is Hard

Hey y'all!

So, this post will actually be a little solemn today. I wasn't too sure when I started all this how personal I was going to get but this is actually pretty personal. Obviously, y'all don't know me that well (unless you do… which if so, thanks for reading!) but two days ago, my great-grandmother passed away. Yes, I was blessed to have had my great-grandmother live for an extremely long time before losing her.

I am honestly just thankful that my last conversation with her was a good one. It was all in Spanish, so I got most of it but not all. I also talked back to her in Spanish and we were joined by her sister. I heard a lot about my grandma and her brothers and sisters while growing up. It's something I'll definitely cherish for quite some time as it was my last moment with my great-grandmother and it was at a time when she was still able to respond and remember stuff.

With this event, I now have a funeral to attend to this Wednesday and the rosary will be Tuesday. I had heard that my great-grandmother had taken a turn for the worse the day before she passed. That day I knew I was going to need a new dress. I thought I had shoes, but I don't so I need new shoes as well. I went shopping today but I was unsuccessful on both but I did find two new shirts (very festival-like) and I got a couple of things at Francesca's that I had been wanting so success there.

Since it is Saturday, as upsetting as this is, this is what I would wear if I could just grab things and have them magically appear in my closet.

Loss Is Hard

Of course, the tights and long-sleeves are only because it's winter time. If it was summer, that'd be a whole different wardrobe choice altogether. I think that I have been lucky in that this is only the third funeral I have been to for a family member in my 20 years of living. I know that I am blessed that I haven't lost anybody extremely close to me yet so every time this happens, it does hit me kind of hard.

Alrighty, well that's everything for this Style Saturday. Fashionista on, lovelies. Hopefully, you're doing better than my family and I at this time.

"Yo la bendiga (I bless you)."
-My great-grandmother, every time you said good-bye