Saturday, March 1, 2014

Week 12 (Blogilates)

Wow, I cannot believe that it is Week 12 already...

I will be totally honest.

I did NOT follow the workout plans or the meal plan entirely.

When I was though, I saw results!! Big ones!! I still have some of those results but I know I have to get back into my routines in order to stay in shape!!!

I plan on going running in the morning in order to jump start this new month. I promise I'll get all of the pictures, everything I actually did do as soon as I can! Real life has just been so super crazy and I actually haven't been very social to anyone at all. Sorry people =(

Anyways, just wanted to post this really quick, seeing March 1st is almost over and I've got a government quiz due at 11. I love y'all!


P.S. THIS WILL GET UPDATED. It's just a quick post for now =)